
Green energy website

   Here are headers and other components on my friend's website.

Travel around Bangkok

KU Band 2010 music festival year book

The cover of the 2010 year book
A content

A gallery page

A gallery page

A member page

An announcement to invite members to write an article in the book

The real book

Siam say Hi!

My friend drew 4-frames picture to promote her new application on Facebook as her senior project. Then,I colored them in PS. 

Imm - Jun Bakery

This is a new bakery business's brand logo that my senior is running. 
She asked me to design a vintage logo combining a girl on her look, pie and cake-the two products of the brand.

The brand is called Imm-Jun.

3D: KU Band Concert Vol.3

A poster that describes the theme : 3D / ตรีดี(Three Dee).
(ตรีดี)Three-Dee refers to the third-qualified concert of KU Band filled up with lights and sounds letting the audiences feel like experiencing the real 3D.

The real poster

Profile pictures with 3D eyeglasses promoted on Facebook.

A credit page in agenda.

The real event's agenda

3D eyeglasses as a prop for taking a photo
Backdrop at the front of concert hall that audiences can take a photo with 3D eyeglasses

A big theme letter on stage

Teaser of the concert

Announcement presentation to invite the audiences to turn off mobile phones in Thailand rhythm of prose version

Another anouncement presentation to invite the audience to turn off mobile phones, covered from this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCHKo2cBuLw

The unused Concert Vol.3 themes

When we(KU Band) hold the concert, the first thing we do is thinking about a theme that make all staff and performers know the concept of the event and think in the same direction.
A theme of KU Band Concert Vol.3 is 3D / ตรีดี(Three Dee) as you will see in the next post.

And these three are the previous themes before we got 3D/ตรีดี(Three Dee).

The first theme I nominated to friends is Jazz-Ni-Yom(แจ๊สนิยม). Ni-Yom means popular, so Jazz-Ni-Yom means popular Jazz music style. KU Band and many people love to play and listen to Jazz music.
All media and public relations of this concert will be postmodern style, and also songs in concert must be jazz-classic but not old fashion.

This work is a teaser of the theme Jazz-Ni-Yom. I adapt KU Band logo by replacing the word KU Band with -No.3 in Thai letter and adjusting the tail of this letter to be looked like -the 3rd tone mark in Thai language-which to appear in the word แจ๊สนิยม (Jazz-Ni-Yom). When everyone see this picture, they will know that the 3rd concert of KU Band is coming relating to ๓ and ๗.

ส.ค.ส.(Soh-koh-soh) is another theme I nominated to friends.
ส.ค.ส. is a Thai abbreviation. The full word of it is ส่งความสุข(Song-Khwam-Sook) which means sending happiness. Thai people use ส.ค.ส word in Christmas and new year. When they send a wishing card to their beloveds, we can call the card 'ส.ค.ส' .

I have an idea with this theme that we can play with the word ส.ค.ส. It can be 'ส่งความสุข(Song-Khwam-Sook) which means sending happiness' or 'ส่งคอนเสิร์ต(Song-Con-Cert) which means contributing concert' or 'สร้างความสนุก(Sang-Khwam-Sa-Nook) which means creating enjoyment' etc. Most of all, its meanings can be expressed the purpose of this concert very well. We make this concert to make happiness and distribute it to the audiences.

iCAST project

iCAST is my friends' senior project and the name of this website which will tell you the species of any orchid from pictures you upload on this website. My friends asked me to design some work for them.
 an intro page banner

a poster

a running process bar 

Add tag project

Add Tag is my senior project name. It is a social network website that users can share their knowledge on documents, images and videos to their friends by tagging.

Logo of the project : I adjusted the symbol @, which everyone always calls 'At', for its similar pronunciation to Add and made it look like a speech balloon which refers to sharing knowledge

A project's poster
The homepage

Logo stickers

Chapet's 2011 new year card

As 2011 has a rabbit as a symbol of the year according to Asia's calender, I made this card to celebrate this event.

Chedi Phukhao Thong with friends